Mayo Girls Golf Team

What a great day. The sun was out which was nice. The Mayo Girls Golf Team and Coach Myhro came out and finished raking up the rest of the branches from the trees we took down this winter and they raked up the pine cones around the big practice green and the chipping green.. Let me tell you something, these gals are workers. They came with rakes and gloves and away they went. They never wondered off and they worked as a team. Coach Myhro worked right beside them. The girls had music playing, when taking a break they where playing duck duck grey duck .  Everything they did was as a team. I was so impressed with that. Coach Myhro and his assistants have this program going in the right direction. Below I have some pictures of the girls working and taking a team break. Thanks again girls I really appreciate everything you do for me. Have a great season!!!!


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