Course is opened

As I write this blog the snow is coming down , winter is back and it's not happy with us opening up. Things like this usually happen when you open up in March.  The golf course came through the winter pretty good. The voles had a hey day this winter. I will take a blower and blow off all the dead grass on the tee and green banks. The grass will grow back when it gets warm again. The greens look good. The front nine will be a little bumpy for a while because of the late fall aerification. So be patient they will heal up when it warms up. Hole 14 green had a critter dig a hole but I patched that up last Friday. All tees look good and some look like they need to be mowed in the near future. The fairways look pretty good except for the vole damage on some of them. I tried something new this year I took our buffalo blower and blew most of the pine cones into the woods. The mayo girls golf team will come and rake up the rest when the snow melts. The mayo boys golf team will give them a hand also. I'm hoping that the golf course will reopen soon. We did need some moister but I would of took rain instead. Have a great week everyone :)


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