Golf course conditions 

If your like me your sick of this cold weather. It looks like this coming week isn’t going to get any warmer. As a good friend I mine told me “ just roll with it” So that’s what I’m going to do, “roll with it”. There’s nothing anyone can do to change the weather. Even with these cool days I’ve been able to get out and blow off the debris on the front nine greens. Some of the greens still have snow on them.  The greens on the front nine came out of the winter pretty good. Some of the greens have vole damage on the collars and banks. They will heal up but it will take some time. Still  not sure  when we will open, still thinking around the 10th or 15 of April or later. Below I took some pictures of the course. Some show the damage the voles did and the others are pictures of the snow left on the course and pictures of where some trees where taken down.. Happy Easter 😊😊😊 Dave


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