Pond bound

Well what an interesting day I had today. I was mowing the back nine tees this morning and everything was going great. Hole 13 thru 18 were done so I head over to the 12 hole and mowed the drop area tee. I was just driving off the tee and my mower decided we should go sledding down the hill at a very high speed. I was heading straight for the  pond and the rocks. I knew I was in trouble and I had no control of the mower. What do I do ???  Ride it out and pray I don't get hurt or try to jump off and hope for the best. Well I decided to jump off. I got some good bruises on my right upper thigh other than that no broken bones. The mower is still in the pond tilted on its side. We are going to need a big back hoe to lift it out.
Enough about that have a happy Halloween and remember to set your clocks back this weekend.  Take care . By the way here's a couple pictures of the mower in the pond. Dave


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