New trees

Well the men's club has done it again . On Saturday they planted 32 trees on the back nine of Eastwood Golf Course.  It was a beautiful day to work outdoors  . It was a great team effort.  Everything went very well. The digging for Shorty wasn't to bad. He hit some rock and clay in a few places but also found some nice black dirt.  There was trees planted on hole 13, 14, 18, 11, and a tree by 17 men's tee box.
I am so proud of our men's club. When they set there mind to do something watch out they get stuff done. The tree planting is not done yet. The Rochester Park and Rec is going to match our men's club tree donations up to a specific amount. I believe it's some where between 4 to 5 thousand dollars. Isn't that great. So if you would like to donate money to our tree fund stop into the club house and talk to Jeff or Drew.  No donation is to small. If you have any questions please call our pro shop at  507 281 6173.  Here is a few pictures to show you the hard work the boys did last Saturday.  Take care... Dave


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