Rough and Cart paths only

Well the golf course has definitely got some green to it now. We’ve had some pretty nice rains this week, and this brings me to the article title. I want carts out. I do everything I can to allow carts out when it’s wet out. Here’s the golden rule when we say rough and cart paths only.  The golden rule is cart paths and rough only. It’s that easy. We don’t mean drive in the rough then drive in the fairway to your ball. You choose a side. Right side or left side it’s that easy. Now if you have a handicap flag you drive in the rough and then you can use the 90 degrees rule to your ball,  hit it then get back in the rough. I think that’s fair. If we say cart paths and rough only with the 90 degree rule the club house staff will inform you of that when you check in. Here’s a question to everyone, if you go play Somerby or Rochester Country Club and they say cart paths and rough only I’ll bet you follow there rules. If not they won’t have a problem removing you from the golf course. Why can’t the City golf Courses get the same respect as Somerby and other up scale courses. Is it because we are a public course or you just don’t care. Eastwood and the other City Courses demand the same respect as these up scale courses. If your playing  Somerby and you wonder why there green banks are so thick and flush and ours aren’t,  Here’s why,  they don’t let carts close to the greens. Do you wonder why the grass on the right side of 8 is so thin it because every cart drives there.. There’s a cart path right there to park on. It’s that easy. When I put rope up people just drive around it. There’s other holes that have the same problem and there’s cart paths to park on. Don’t be afraid to tell other golfers that your golfing with not to drive in these areas! I can only put so much rope up so please help me by staying on the cart paths by the greens. I’m on a pretty good roll right now so let’s talk about how to place a bunker rake back when your done using it. All you have to do is lay it back next to the bunker. That’s it. Please don’t be mad and throw it in the middle of the bunker or leave the bunker rake half in and half out of the bunker . Place the rake teeth down not up. I know some of you get frustrated that you hit it in the bunker but let’s use some common sense. Not everyone going to like what I’m saying or you may disagree with me which is fine. You don’t have to like me or like the things I say, but you should respect how I want thing done at the golf course. I’m trying to give you the best golf conditions possible. Here’s a few pictures I took this week that allowed me to write this long post. Happy Golfing 🏌️‍♀️ . Brudy 


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