Pictures don’t Lie

It’s been a very busy and productive week at Eastwood Golf Course. We got all the rough and banks mowed before all this rain came. The greens got fertilizer put on them so we should start seeing some better color to them. Now if we can just shut the faucet off for a few days we could get a few more things done. Today is Friday and it’s raining outside so I canceled the crew today. A rain day really sets us back but we can’t control Mother Nature. With these wet conditions we have been going cart paths and rough only. Well that doesn’t seem to be working to well. As I said before Jeff Gorman and myself want carts out and we will try our hardest to get them out but we need help from you. It’s still not 90 degrees to your ball. You pick a side and drive on that side all the way to the green. It’s that simple. If You have a handicap flag on a cart you get 90 degrees. Me and my staff aren’t going to talk to every person we see in the fairways. We would never get anything done. I’m also seeing a lot of carts parked right next to the greens. I’m starting to see wear patterns. When you start seeing wear patters dead grass will follow. Take a look behind one green. There’s a dirt spot that wasn’t there last spring. By summer there was a wear patter there and Walla now there’s a Dirt spot. Just another white circle that Mr. Gorman needs to paint for the upcoming high school tournaments. I did put rope up behind One green last year when I saw the wear pattern. The turf came back nice and I figured everyone knew not to drive back there anymore so I took the rope down. Well that was a bad decision of mine. Everyone the cart path is right by the green it won’t hurt you to walk to your ball chip it on the green , putt out then walk back to your cart. Problem solved . I’m going to try really hard not to talk about cart problems anymore. The last thing I’m going to bring up again is pull carts on the tee boxes. Please keep them off, just park them off to the side. This week I could follow a trail of a pull cart on the blue tee on hole one see the trail go over the ladies tee and back in the rough then to the fairway. My lord the trail looked like someone was on a mountain bike going up the hill down the hill. I guess I just don’t understand the need to have your pull cart on the tee box. Maybe this is why we see so many carts park so close to the tee boxes. They figure if he can have his pull cart up there I might as well drive my cart closer so I don’t have to walk so far. Well I’m done voicing my opinions. Below you will see some pictures of what I see daily and can’t do anything about. Now don’t be surprised if you see yourself in these photos. I don’t pick on anyone, when I see something that is wrong I take a picture, regardless of who it is. You will see one picture with a lady walking with her new born child on the cart path to hole nine. She gave me a interesting answer why she was walking on the golf course.. She lives in the neighborhood to the east of the golf course so there is plenty of sidewalks to walk on. She said she usually walks in the evening (I’m guessing on the golf course)but she had something going on that evening so she decided she would take a stroll on the golf course in the middle of the day. I’m glad I stopped her from going any further. See everyone it’s a constant battle at the golf course. Everyone enjoy your weekend... Brudy


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