Where did my ball go ???

It’s been a few weeks that I haven’t written so I thought I would touch base with everyone and tell you what’s happening at Eastwood. My staff has started painting the clubhouse deck. When we get another nice day we will finish it up. The new white tee on hole 15 is just about ready to open. I believe we are a week out then we will open it. We are preparing for a busy week. On Monday we have a special event for the 18 hole ladies. On Wednesday we have an Mga tournament that starts at 7:30 am. On Thursday we have a special event for the 9 hole ladies. We have been preparing the golf course since last week to get ready for these events. It takes a lot of work to get ready for 3 events in one week. I’m very proud of my staff and they have excepted the challenge and there doing a great job.

I’ve been hearing a lot of comments about why is the rough so long and that’s where I got my title from. Believe it or not we have been mowing the rough almost twice a week. Here’s what’s going on. The rough is getting thinker over the past few years because of the extra fertilizer I have been putting down. When the ball roles into the rough it Nestles down in the grass and this is why it’s hard to find. We have always had some thin rough in certain areas, well those days are gone. It’s lush right now because of all the rain and hot weather and humidity plus the fertilizer has really kicked in. I could mow two passes around the fairways every day and the rough would still seem not mowed. It’s going to stay thick. From a Golf Course Superintendents perspective this is a good thing. For  golfers  it can be frustrating.  Your probably wondering why not just lower the height of cut. Here’s why we don’t lower the height of cut. Our rough mower would scalp all over the place. We have tried to lower the height of cut but we scalped so much we moved it back up. Scalping leads to thin dirt grass spots and when it gets hot out those spots burn out and the turf dies. So there’s the update on the rough. 

Before I go I just want to wish the Dads out there a Happy Fathers Day. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.. Brudy 


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