Bunker construction

If your wondering what is happening to hole 11 bunker it's getting a face lift. Jeff Minske has been working on this project for 2 days. As you know when it rains  hard the northeast corner always washes out. Jeff came up with a plan on how to fix this problem.  He found the drain pipe that was in the bunker  and added a catch basin drain to it. He sloped the sides so all the water will run towards the drain. He reshaped the bunker that's why the post and hockey board are there.  He added dirt and used a laser to make sure the slope was correct. We need all the water to run towards the drain. Tomorrow we are going to sod the new area. After the grass takes we will mow it down so we can mow it with our tee mower.  You will be able to chip out of this new area. When you see Jeff tell him thank you .  Here is a few pictures of Jeffs hard work... Dave


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