Weekly update

Well it's been awhile since I've written anything.  After this post I'm going to try to give you weekly updates on what is going on with the  course. That was my plan when I started this blog but sometimes work just gets a little bit crazy. The boys have been working very hard this summer. All club championships are done. I believe everything went well and the course was in excellent condition.
The crew has been very busy this year doing small projects and detailing the course. Here's a list of some of the things they have done.
1. Edge all bunkers
2. Edge all sidewalks (x 2)
3. Helped Jeff Minske rebuild 9 bunker.
4. Weed whip around every tree on the golf course
5. Edge all tee and fairway yardage plates.
6. Help sod bad areas on the golf course.
I could go on and on.
I'm very proud of the crew. They all work well together. 
One small subject I would like to touch on is the restaurant at Eastwood. Jess and her crew do a wonderful  job. Its a great place to  stop after a round of golf and eat and have a beverage of your choice. The food is fantastic and the staff will take great care of you. I was surprised to hear when we had our men's club championship that hardly anyone came up to eat at the restaurant after there round of golf.   Jess had a great food special and nobody seemed to stop up. Don't get me wrong the regulars all stopped up and ate and had there favorite beverage but we need everyone in our men's club to support this restaurant.  On the night of the putting contest Jess had brats , salad, chips and rice crispy bars and this food was all free. So let's open our wallets and support Jess, Charlie, and the rest of the crew !!!  My rant is over have a wonderful week....


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