sodded fairways and Misc.

Happy Mothers Day. The sod is coming along quite well. We have had plenty of moister for the sod. The sod is starting to take root. We will be hand mowing the sod soon. We will lower the height of cut each time we mow the sod. Thank you for staying out of  these roped off areas. In
 some of the seeded areas we are starting to see grass poke through the dirt. Everything takes time and we thank you for your patients.
If it ever quits raining there will be more work done at the club house. If you haven't notice they are prepping the outside of the club house to be repainted. We are also waiting to get a couple of new doors put in. Everything takes time and money. It's exciting to see these projects getting done.
As the golf course goes everything is looking pretty good. The aerification holes on the front nine are filling in nicely. We have the water on and we have a couple of leaks that need fixing. Otherwise things are coming along pretty good. If anyone has any questions about the golf course please feel free to contact me. Below is a couple of pictures of the sodding project. Have a great week everyone... Dave


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