Course clean up

Has anybody noticed all the pine cones at the golf course this year? Its unbelievable !!!! I blow off a fairway the next day it looks like the pine cones held a party and they invited all there friends. I've never seen anything like this. Well I called in the Calvary to give me a helping hand. Steve Myhro the girls head golf coach at Mayo High School arranged to get his team of girls to give me a hand. They came armed with rakes and they went to town. It was something to see all those girls working as a team to make Eastwood a better place. The story gets better. Mayo and Century boys golf team showed up also. I took the Mayo boys over to hole 11 and we picked up all the garbage on the right and left side of that hole. Then we picked up more garbage around the pond of hole 11. As we were driving back to the front side of the golf course I asked the Mayo boys to take over raking for the gals. The Mayo girls where more than happy to hand over their rakes. The Mayo boys raked for a while and then the Century boys grabbed some rakes and headed over to another area of the golf course. In just a couple of hours the pine cones where raked up in piles and the course looked great. This is the second year the golf teams have helped me out. Without there help in the spring the course would have tree branches and pine cones laying all over the place. I am so thankful for all there help. Coach Wells, Coach Thompson , and Coach Myhro and your assistant's thank you again for all your hard work and taking time from your practice schedule to help me out. It is greatly appreciated!!!! Here is a picture of the kids working !!!!!!


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