Northern Green Expo

Happy New Year Everyone. I've been busy working on equipment and things are going pretty good. I got all my reel mowers ground. Which is a good thing. Next week I will be going to the Northern Green Expo.  I will be attending educational classes on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. There is also a huge trade show going on. This is a great time for me to network with other golf personnel and go to some great educational classes. I'm always trying to better my myself. By learning new things I'm hoping to better our golf course.
I try to learn as much as I can at the Expo. The trade show is awesome also. There's tons of golf course equipment there,  lots of landscape and flower booths. Here is a link to see what the Expo is all about.      Everyone stay warm and I will update you on everything I learn at the expo !!!! Take Care .... Dave


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