Spilt rail fence

Today the men's club added more fencing to holes 12, 17, and put up a new fence by the back tee on hole 16 . The reason the fences are going up is to keep carts out of these areas. Hole 12 and 17 are handicap accessible also. I'm so proud of our men's club. When improvements need to be done to the course they take it upon themselves to get it done. They meet and talk about the project and make a game plan. It's a real team effert . It's just amazing to watch them work and get things done. Thanks again guys. I appreciate everything you do !!! I also wanted to give you an update on the eagle project that is going on. The retaining wall is up and dirt was added. I'm hoping in the next few weeks the plants will be planted. Sam Panetta is the scout that is doing this project . He will earn his eagle badge for this project. Our men's and ladies club have helped out and purchased the retaining wall blocks. Sam raised 250.00 dollars for the plants and other mat...